Descended from an ancient race, Earth’s few remaining Lightkeepers battle the forces of darkness that threaten humanity...
Detectives Micki Dare and Zach Harris are called in to investigate when a millionaire developer leaps from atop his luxury hotel on the night of its grand opening.
After Micki receives a mysterious package from her long-dead mentor, and Zach suspects something supernatural working against them, they realize this is no ordinary case. A dark force is once again threatening the Big Easy.
Aspects of this case prove eerily similar to an unsolved murder from years before, making the stakes dangerously personal for Micki. This time it’s her life on the line.
It will take the ingenuity and special skills of their misfit band of light beings and humans to bring this perpetrator down...but can they do it before they lose one of their own?
Review: Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Fallen Five by Erica Spindler that I read and reviewed.
I did not think it was possible but this series just keep getting better with every book. I am completely addicted to The Lightkeepers and I love Zach and Micki as partners and as characters in a book that I can't get enough of them.
Fallen Five was an excellent read from start to finish and I loved how Zach and Micki's relationship grew in this book and I can't wait to see where it goes in the next book. This was one of those books you could not put down because you could not wait to see what was going to happen next. Spindler out did herself this time.
Fallen Five gets five out of five stars.
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